
In Kirby 2 I can code:

<?php if($user = $site->user() and $user->hasPanelAccess()): // user is logged in and has panel access ?>

If I write in Kirby 3:

<?php if($user = $kirby->user() and $user->hasPanelAccess()): // this is always true ?>

this did not work as expected. Look at the comments!

That’s because there is no hasPanelAccess() method

How can I code instead?

if($kirby->user('someone@example.com')->role()->permissions()->for('access', 'panel')) {
  // do something but don't forget to check if there is a user before calling the role method

Thank you @texnixe, your code is super as always.

I use now:

<?php if($user = kirby()->user() and $user->role()->permissions()->for('access', 'panel')): // user is logged in and has panel access ?>
  // do something
<?php endif ?>