I started a component for Kirby 3.x based on a Toggle-component opening a drawer.
It turned out that the former way of using a reference to trigger that component does not seem to work anymore throwing the following error:
Invalid drawer state
by using
(formerly this.$refs.mydrawer.open()
Has anyone found a tweak to get around this hurdle?
Following the new lab/components/ example this seems to be the propper way to go:
component: 'k-text-drawer',
props: {
icon: 'text',
title: 'Text',
text: 'Hello world. This is some nice text.'
It works though but how messy is that?
To me it does make no sense at all to switch from a clean and working single file component based on markup to an inline “quote-on-quote-solution” especially when complexity becomes an issue.
Am I missing anything?
Thank you!
Cheers Jan