URL Slug and german Umlaute

Kirby version 3.3.5, single language.

When I try your album.txt example in the starterkit (which is version 3.3.3 on my local setup), it works.

In my project, however, it doesn’t.
When I use 'slugs' => 'de' in config, it just worked for the ä => ae, but still left ü => u.

Does the method work differently on a user name maybe?

Here is the exact thing that I am doing:

      $members = $kirby->users()->filterBy('role', 'editor')->shuffle();

   // ...

  <?= $members->first()->name()->slug() ?>
  <?= $members->nth(1)->name()->slug() ?>
  <?= $members->nth(2)->name()->slug() ?>

  // etc.

And the one name that contains an ü, is converted to mueller, not mueller.

Edit: Now I realize that a users name property might not be a field, but rather a simple string? Is that maybe part of the issue?

No, that doesn’t make a difference.

What do you get if you


With the slug config setting set to de, but no Str::language array in plguin.

Ok. Wait.

It suddenly works. Now I wonder what I changed.

I went to the user page and renamed him from Michael Müller to Michael Müller. Also in content there was an auto-generated (by a hook) draft page michael-muller that I now manually renamed to michael-mueller. I don’t think the draft page should be related to this at all, so I am starting to suspect there was some sort of encoding/unicode issue with the letter ü that maybe got fixed when I retyped the name??!

Sorry, I think I will be unable to reliably pinpoint the original issue now that it is fixed. So, all I can say is, thanks a lot @texnixe for staying with me and trying to hunt down this super weird problem!

That might be the case. Kirby does the language stuff first and then runs to an ascii list, have a look at the Str class.

Off to :sleeping_bed:

Yes, that might be it. Thanks a lot again! Good night!