Uploaded images not getting a Template assigned

I’ve setup my Blueprint as described here: Files section | Kirby CMS
that uploaded files get a Template associated with them. This template is saved in /site/blueprints/files/image.yml

But when uploading an image or a file in the backend the template is not beeing applied. The generated file .txt file for the uploaded file is empty and nothing was written to it. The page on which the File is getting uploaded at has the permissions 777 (for testing purposed only).

Below is my Blueprint file.

title: News
    label: Content
        width: 2/3
            type: fields
                label: Title
                type:  text
                label: Aktiv
                type: toggle
                label: Content
                type: headline
        width: 1/3
            type: pages
            headline: Subpages
            type: files
            headline: Dateien
            template: image

When manually writing “Template: image” into the .txt file the template is correctly beeing applied in the Backend. But for obvious reasons this should be happening on the upload. Not manually for every file ever uploaded

And you uploaded the files via the Panel? What about permissions of the resulting meta files?

Yes the file is beeing uploaded via the panel. The uploaded files get the permission of 604.

They should be 644.

Would I have to check with my hoster why my files have the wrong permissions on upload or is that a Kirby kind of problem I have to fix that way?

Found the problem. I wrote a script that gives every folder and file 777 permissions for testing.
After running it the upload now works as intended. Maybe a folder higherup in the hierachy had wrong permissions or something. Ill look into it and fix it up now.