Hi I am trying to upload .GPX files to the files in a blueprint but it is not possible and displays the error Invalid file type: -. Any other file type seems to works fine. I am using the preset: page.
You may also create the file blueprint as site/blueprints/files/default.yml, in which case it should override Kirby’s default file blueprint (but then all File fields on your entire site will use those rules, so my preferred approach is to create a dedicated File blueprint for special cases).
Thanks for your response. I already tried this method as well (without text/xml initially but just tried this now as well), and this does not work for me either. In this case, I cannot even select a GPX file from the upload selector. Everything is greyed out.
Also, in the end I need to be able to upload various file formats, not only GPX files. It would almost be best if there was a way to enable all files.
EDIT: Somehow when I override the default.yml it works. I will do this for now and see why it is not taking the right file template yml.
According to File blueprint | Kirby CMS , “allow all files” should be possible with accept: true (I somehow recall that some limitations remain, e.g. uploading an HTML file will still cause an error, I believe…).
Hmm, good to hear it works, but strange that you cannot define your own template. In principle, I use that setup with GPX on my own site (hence the tested-and-proven mime definition ) – so maybe it’s something to do with the preset mechanism …that’s not my strong suit.
@bvdputte At the moment I simply display it on a map; I use Mapbox GL JS with self-hosted vector tiles from OpenMapTiles to display them on a map …all very experimental and just for my private exploration at this point – unfortunately I don’t currently have a publicly accessible sample to show that includes a GPX track.