Upload a file with extension (.VCF)

Hello Kirby Community and Support Team!

I am trying to upload a file with a .vcf extension through a files type field.

But trying to upload the file from the Kirby version 3.6.5 panel gives me the following error:

I await your response and help please.

Thank you very much.


You have to allow it in the file blueprint for the files section/files field or textarea upload, e.g

  extension: vcf

Hi @texnixe!

I am trying to use the solution that you share with me, it keeps throwing me the same error.

Investigating the official documentation I found the following information.

Source – Files | Kirby CMS

I do not find that it indicates that it does not support files with the extension .vcf.

I await your response and help please.

Thank you very much.


I tested this before I posted here, so what exactly did you do. E.g. I have this file blueprint:


title: VCF

  extension: vcf

And in my site.yml, I added this files section:

  - width: 1/2
        type: files
        template: vcf

Tested with a 3.6.5 Starterkit.

What does your blueprint look like? Do you have an additional setting type in there?

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Hi @texnixe!

Thank you very much for the answer and explanation.

Okay, an apology.

The error was on my side, I was adding the line directly in the blueprint instead of in the blueprints/files/vcf.yml folder :file_folder:.

Thank you very much.



this example works for vcf files only.

How can I expand the file section so that it also allows VCF files alongside all the others. In your example only vcf files are shown to me in the files section.

thx for help

            headline: Files
            type: files
              extension: vcf

does not work