I realise that as I type this, it sounds totally bonkers but here we go.
Having tried to implement the CalcGuard function in Uniform, I have been going round and round in circles (See this thread).
I reached the stage where my initial issue had been solved but a new one had reared it’s head, hence this new thread.
It would appear that the use of an inline CSS declaration of a background image in the HTML is causing the CalcGuard to incorrectly think that the solution entered is incorrect. This means that if my page includes anything along these lines it fails:
style="background-image: url(image.jpg);"
As soon as I remove all references like this, the CalcGuard works perfectly.
It’s not all inline declarations that cause this problem, only this one. I can use any other CSS with no issue.
The path to the image can also be empty, it still fails.
If I remove/change the “url()” section it works fine. For example, if I change it to “turl()” the CalcGuard works fine.
So it seems that something in the CalcGuard has a problem with the “url()” section of the background-image style.
Does that seem feasible? It makes no sense in my head but I have tested it over and over with different pages, including one with everything else stripped out (other content, links to JS etc). I get the same issue.
Hopefully @mzur might have a thought or two on this.