On a site I am running into the following issue: when clicking on the three dots for file options on a file in the files section, I briefly see a modal saying “unauthenticated” and then immediately get redirected to the panel home page.
My page is using the page blueprint. I’ve encountered this issue in an earlier version of Kirby 3 and have since upgraded to the latest, the error still persists…
Any leads on what I can try/test to get this working again?
talking about 3.1.2—I don’t think I will be able to reproduce this in a fresh install since the error just suddenly appeared on a production site but I’ll try!
I’m still in contact with the easyname support. So far, they’ve neither been able to reproduce the issue nor have any idea how to fix it. Will keep you posted!
I had the same problem a few weeks back on the same hosting.
It was fixed in the 3.2 I believe.
It’s a cache related issue. The server was ignoring one of the headers sent by the panel if I remember correctly.
It’s a weird one because if you disable client site caching you’ll see that everything works correctly.
Upgrading to latest Kirby version is the solution.
I think kirby grabs a copy of the js for the panel and stores it in the media folder.
You should have a panel folder inside the media folder. Try delete that.
I could be wrong on the why though
I always delete that just in case.