Two variables in one aca merge collections

Hi !

I’m building a website where, on the homepage, news and projects are mixed but organised by date, then for each category there is an attributed page ‘projects’ and ‘news’ which I achieved.

However for the homepage, I don’t really know how could I say : for each ‘project’ and ‘news’…

For the project I’ve written the variable like this :

$projects = page('projects')->children()->visible()->sortBy('date', 'desc');

then I called it like this :

<?php foreach($projects as $project): ?>

To sum up, I would need something like :

    $projects = page('projects' AND 'news')->children()->visible()->sortBy('date', 'desc');

Thank you ! :slight_smile:

You can merge both collections and then sort by date:

Two options:

//Merge two collections
  $projects= page('projects')->children()->visible();
  $news  = page('news')->children()->visible();
  $combined = new Pages(array($projects, $news))->sortBy('date', 'desc');

//Appending stuff to a collection:
  $combined = new Pages();
  $combined = $combined->sortBy('date', 'desc');


Thanks for your answer !

However I don’t really understand how to append the content of the var…
Just for you to understand how I did (and how I just know how to do… I’m new here haha) here’s my snippet for projects-call.

$projects = page('projects')->children()->visible()->sortBy('date', 'desc');

<?php foreach($projects as $project): ?>

<article class='article-projects'  ?> )">

<a href="<?php echo $project->url() ?>">

			<h1><span><?php echo $project->title()->html() ?></span> </h1>
			<p  lang= <?php echo $site->language()->code() ?>
	><?php echo $project->description2() ?> </p>
			<?php if($image = $project->image('cover.jpg')): ?>
			  <img src="<?php echo $project->image('cover.jpg')->crop(900, 600,100)->url() ?>" 			alt="">
			<?php else: ?>
			    <img src="<?php echo $project->image()->crop(900, 600,100)->url() ?>" alt="">
			<?php endif ?>

<?php endforeach ?>

Do you know If I could use the same syntaxe ?

Thanks !

Well, after you have merged/appended the collection, you loop through them like in the above example.

  $projects= page('projects')->children()->visible();
  $news  = page('news')->children()->visible();
  $combined = new Pages(array($projects, $news))->sortBy('date', 'desc');
<?php foreach($combined as $project): ?>

<article class='article-projects'  ?> )">

<a href="<?php echo $project->url() ?>">

			<h1><span><?php echo $project->title()->html() ?></span> </h1>
			<p  lang= <?php echo $site->language()->code() ?>
	><?php echo $project->description2() ?> </p>
			<?php if($image = $project->image('cover.jpg')): ?>
			  <img src="<?php echo $project->image('cover.jpg')->crop(900, 600,100)->url() ?>" 			alt="">
			<?php else: ?>
			    <img src="<?php echo $project->image()->crop(900, 600,100)->url() ?>" alt="">
			<?php endif ?>

<?php endforeach ?>

Thanks ! it works. However it doesn’t work with the

->sortBy('date', 'desc')

… do you know why ?


Oh, we have to change it a bit:

$projects= page('projects')->children()->visible();
$news  = page('news')->children()->visible();
$combined = new Pages(array($projects, $news));
$combined = $combined->sortBy('date', 'desc');

Or wrapped in parenthesis:

$combined = (new Pages(array($projects, $news)))->sortBy('date');

This is so great ! Thanks a lot !!

Now just a last one :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a possibly to echo some stuff depending of the origin of the article ?
Because the content of news and article are totally different but the snippet name are sometimes the same.

So can I say something like :

<?php if($project = $combined is page('news')->children() ?>


<?php else if($project = $combined is page('project')->children() ?>


?? THANKS ! :smiley:

if($project->parent()->uid() == 'news') {
  // do stuff
} else {
  // do sth. else
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Thanks a lot !
I learnt a lot thanks to you. :wink:

Best greetings,

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