Hey all,
Im trying ALL photos from ALL my posts in a certain folder (Journal) and present them in a mega gallery. Been playing with this a bit, but I can’t figure it out. Seems like it should be simple. Need help!
Hey all,
Im trying ALL photos from ALL my posts in a certain folder (Journal) and present them in a mega gallery. Been playing with this a bit, but I can’t figure it out. Seems like it should be simple. Need help!
This should grab all images from the children:
<?php foreach(page('journal')->files()->filterBy('type', 'image') as $image) : ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image->url() ?>">
<?php endforeach ?>
Woah thanks for the quick reply! Nothing seems show up though and Im not getting any errors. But to change direction a little bit Im using a gallery plugin and this is what I use now to grab images from a page.
<?php $images = $page->images()->sortBy('name', 'desc');
echo guggenheim($images, array('width' => 1200, 'height' => 350, 'border' => 8)); ?>
Any way to take your solution and mix it in with that? Excuse my basic php skills
What is $page
in your code? The journal page?
$images = $page->children()->files()->filterBy('type', 'image')->sortBy('name', 'desc');
echo guggenheim($images, array('width' => 1200, 'height' => 350, 'border' => 8));
Pls. turn on debugging in your config.php:
c::set('debug', 'true');
As hard as I try, I sometimes overlook some of my typos
The $page is just the current page Im not making any extra calls.
debug is (always) on. Thanks for your help
<article class="post fadein">
<header class="articletop">
<h1><?php echo html($page->title()) ?></h1></header>
<?php echo kirbytext($page->text()) ?>
<?php $images = $page->images()->sortBy('name', 'desc');
echo guggenheim($images, array('width' => 1200, 'height' => 350, 'border' => 8)); ?>
I just tested this without using the plugin. Let’s suppose I had a page called “blog” and wanted to fetch all the images contained in the child pages of that page. Then this bit of code would grab all images from all posts:
In my blog.php I could do this:
$images = $page->children()->files()->filterBy('type', 'image');
foreach($images as $image) {
echo $image->url();
So this would, of course, just give me a silly list of image URLs, but good for testing. I suggest you try this first before using the plugin to see if the code works.
hey @texnixe ended up using this and it seemed to work. Thanks again for your help.
$journalPage = $pages->find('journal');
$images = $journalPage->children()->files()->filterBy('type', 'image');
echo guggenheim($images, array('width' => 1200, 'height' => 350, 'border' => 8));
Glad that it works now.
Instead of $pages->find('journal')
you can also use the page helper
$journalPage = page('journal');