ToStructure from other page


I have an image slider with title and hyperlink on the homepage. But I want to have the same content on the blog and article pages. How can I fix this?

<?php foreach($page->slider()->toStructure() as $slider): ?>
		<li style="background-image:url(<?php echo $site->url() ?>/content/<?php echo $page->dirname() ?>/<?php echo $slider->image()->html() ?>)">
			<div class="center-y">
				<?php if(!$slider->text1()->empty()): ?><h3><?php echo $slider->text1()->html() ?></h3><?php endif ?>
				<?php if(!$slider->text2()->empty()): ?><a href="<?php echo $slider->url()->html() ?>"><?php echo $slider->text2()->html() ?></a><?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

You can reference a particular page using the page() helper:

<?php $p = page('home'); ?>
<?php foreach($p->slider()->toStructure() as $slider): ?>
  <li style="background-image:url(<?php echo $site->url() ?>/content/<?php echo $p->dirname() ?>/<?php echo $slider->image()->html() ?>)">
    <div class="center-y">
      <?php if(!$slider->text1()->empty()): ?><h3><?php echo $slider->text1()->html() ?></h3><?php endif ?>
      <?php if(!$slider->text2()->empty()): ?><a href="<?php echo $slider->url()->html() ?>"><?php echo $slider->text2()->html() ?></a><?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Please read the this cookbook recipe for ways to get the image URL from an image name in a structure field.

Thanks a lot.
What if I would like to have the first item?

<?php $p = page('home'); ?>
<?php foreach($p->slider()->toStructure() as $slider): ?>
  <li style="background-image:url(<?php echo $site->url() ?>/content/<?php echo $p->dirname() ?>/<?php echo $slider->image()->html() ?>)">
    <div class="center-y">
      <?php if(!$slider->text1()->empty()): ?><h3><?php echo $slider->text1()->html() ?></h3><?php endif ?>
      <?php if(!$slider->text2()->empty()): ?><a href="<?php echo $slider->url()->html() ?>"><?php echo $slider->text2()->html() ?></a><?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

The toStructure()´method gives you a collection. You can use (most) methods of the collection class, including first() to get the first item of the collection.

When I do this, it gives an error…

<?php foreach($p->slider()->toStructure()->first() as $slider): ?>

Well, a loop does not make sense with a single element…