Migrating from V3 to v4. I have Kirby website with a nested block structure, which allows me to customise/build a website from block components. Upon migration, it seems that couple of blocks (not the custom block created via plugin) but just regular blocks cannot be converted to structure.
Kirby\Content\Content::__construct(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type array, string given, called in /kirby/src/Cms/StructureObject.php on line 40" in block type: "card_accordion"
Here is how I deal with those nested blocks in a template:
// Loop through the main blocks
foreach ($page->blocks()->toBlocks() as $block) :
if ($block->type() !== 'section') continue;
<section id="<?= $block->id() ?>" class="<?= $block->bgcolour()->html() ?> px-3 py-18 sm:py-32 sm:px-0">
<div class="container">
<div class="mx-auto max-screen-md xl:max-w-screen-xl">
// Loop through the nested blocks
foreach ($block->blocks()->toBlocks() as $nestedBlock) :
switch ($nestedBlock->type()) {
case 'snippet_injector':
case 'scans_collection':
snippet('product_layout', ['nestedBlock' => $nestedBlock]);
echo $nestedBlock;
<?php endforeach; ?>
The error arises from a simple $accordionItem = $block->accordion()->toStructure() and if I do var_dump on $accordionItem I get error. The $accordionItem = $block->accordion()->toYAML() works fine which gives me this structure:
Somehow I’m missing some information. So you have nested blocks, and inside those nested blocks you are using a structure field? What sort of field are you calling toStructure() on? Please post the relevant blueprints.
This accordion field I don’t seem to see in the text file snippet you posted above?
Hi texnixe,
Yes - it is a nested block within a block which contains a structured field.
This is the blueprint:
title: Card Accordion
icon: đź“„
type: text
label: Header
type: textarea
label: Content
type: structure
label: Accordion Sections
type: text
label: Title
type: text
label: Close Icon URL
type: text
label: Open Icon URL
type: textarea
label: Content
And this is the .txt file of the content: Blocks: [{"content":{"title":"Who is it for","bgcolour":"bg-white","blocks":"[{\"content\":{\"header\":\"\",\"description\":\"\",\"accordion\":[{\"title\":\"\",\"iconclose\":\"fa-circle-plus\",\"iconopen\":\"fa-circle-minus\",\"description\":\"\",\"content\":\"Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.\"}]},\"id\":\"77dc50d3-6cb0-4e66-a68f-81eacaa63599\",\"isHidden\":false,\"type\":\"card_accordion\"}]"},"id":"0c1a3452-a675-49bf-af15-229a685b9689","isHidden":false,"type":"section"}]
Regarding this:
that couple of blocks (not the custom block created via plugin) but just regular blocks cannot be converted to structure.
Sorry, it is just my bad wording. I don’t know the difference between Custom blocks as a plugin and just regular custom blocks. These are regular custom blocks - not plugin custom blocks.
Thanks, if you need more information let me know I will provide whatever to solve this problem!
This is a custom plugin block where I can pull all of the nested custom blocks if that makes sense. So as you can see, the “blocks” field and within that there “card_accordion” block.
name: Section
icon: layer
label: Section name
type: text
label: Background Colour
type: text
label: Custom Padding
type: text
label: Blocks
type: blocks
- masonry_cta
- team_members
- quotes
- card_accordion
I could reproduce the error with the content you posted, but creating a new section block works fine. Couldn’t pinpoint what exactly causes this, though.
That is very true - if I make a new block with card_accordion block then it seems to work! I guess I will have to just manually re-do some of those blocks that give me errors. The only problems that I have quite a lot of pages using the same block structure lol. Not sure as well what exactly causes the problem, because V3 Kirby is completely fine. Thanks for you help - really appreciate!
Ok I think I found out where the problem comes from. My accordion block blueprint contained a field called “content” which had some “Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus” content in it. Then I removed this field from the blueprint, but the content still persists within the .txt file. This works well in V3.9 but since upgrading, for some reason this “content” field in the txt file causes an error. This is a comparator:
If I remove this line: ,\"content\":\"Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.\" Then it solves a problem.
Now the question is - why it causes an error in V4 but not in V3.9?
If I reintroduce the old blueprint with
type: textarea
label: Content
and then delete that “Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus” via panel - the error still persists because the txt file still keeps this "content":\ parameter there.
However, If I rename ,"content":"Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus.Loreum ipsum sanctus." To another name, like contento - it solves a problem. Is this to do with some kind of a system name “content” within structure field?
Ah yes thanks for the hint! Had the same problem migrating a structure from v3 to v4. Had a field named content inside the structure which caused the problem and just renamed that field to fix it.