Too many keys error

Hey there,
I was filling a structure field with content the other day, and this happened:

Too many keys: Auf der (link: text: offiziellen Seite) des Welttags gibt es jede Menge zu entdecken.

The corresponding content file looks like this:

  title: Offizielle Seite
  text: Auf der (link: text: offiziellen Seite) des Welttags gibt es jede Menge zu entdecken.

Controller/blueprint for the template in question don’t exist. If I var_dump($page->infolinks()), everything is displayed as expected - the toStructure() call throws aforementioned error. Help please! :slight_smile:


Welcome back, @S1SYPHOS :wave:

Did you edit the content file manually or through the panel?
Normally text like that is in an indented line with text: >.

Just guessing though, I’m not sure if it even makes a difference.

That’s caused by the colon after link. Use it like this:

text: >
  Auf der (link: text: offiziellen Seite) des Welttags gibt es jede Menge zu entdecken.
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Well, thanks guys. Yeah, on a similar page, that worked, but I didn’t use any links there - good job!