Thumbs link to file


try to use the thumb() function with a simple slider,
but how get the link to the created thumb file?

this line: thumb($file, array(‘width’ => 300))

produced only the link to the original image


          //  SLIDER
          // Transform the comma-separated list of filenames into a file collection
          $filenames = $article->attachments()->split(',');
          if(count($filenames) > 2)

              $filenames = array_pad($filenames, 2, '');

              echo '<div class="slider">';
              echo ' <div class="slider_nav">';
              echo ' <a class="back" href=""></a>';
              echo ' <a class="next" href=""></a>' ;
              echo '</div>';
              echo '<ul>';
              $files = call_user_func_array(array($article->files(), 'find'), $filenames);
              // Use the file collection
              foreach($files as $file)
                    //echo $file->url();
                  echo "<li>".thumb($file, array('width' => 300))."</li>";

              echo '</ul>';
              echo '</div>';

              $filenames = array_pad($filenames, 2, '');

              $files = call_user_func_array(array($article->files(), 'find'), $filenames);
              // Use the file collection
              foreach($files as $file)
                //echo $file->url();
                echo "<li>".thumb($file, array('width' => 300))."</li>";
              echo '<figcaption>'.$article->caption()->kirbytext().'</figcaption>';



greetings perry

Do you mean the URL of the generated thumb? If so, use the url method:

thumb($file, array('width' => 300))->url()

No, also produces a link to the original file

echo "<li><img src=".thumb($file, array('width' => 300))->url()."></li>";

Does your thumb directory exist and is it writable for your web server? This is often the reason for this issue.

@lukasbestle is right, recently I was having the same issue on a production server where Memcache (the cache driver I used) didn’t have permission to write to the thumb directory. Fixing the permission solved the issue.

yes thank you now it works. It was the file permissions.

retina displays
it have an option not to reduce the image resolution(dpi) ?

There is no such thing as DPI when displaying an image on a screen. A retina image is simply an image with twice the width and height (and therefore four times the amount of pixels).


Thank you lukasbestle,
I was on the wrong way.