SVG gallery with brands

I’m following Bastian’s videos to learn KirbyCMS and trying to recreate a list of brands I worked with to display in my website.

Everything works well, but I’d like to get the SVG path of the image so that I can style them via CSS.

What I did so far:

In content/5_brands I have all the svg images.

I followed the snippet and controller approach, so I have:


// controllers/brands.php

return function ($page) {
    $brands = $page->images()->filterBy('extension', 'svg');
    return [
        'brands' => $brands


<!-- snippets/brands.php -->

<ul class="brands">
  <?php foreach ($brands as $brand): ?>
        <img src="<?= $brand->url() ?>" />
  <?php endforeach ?>


<?php snippet('header') ?>
<?php snippet('navigation') ?>
<?php snippet('breadcrumb') ?>

<div class="container">
    <h3><?= $page->title() ?></h3>
    <p> <?= $page->text()->markdown() ?></p>

<?php snippet('brands') ?>

<?php snippet('footer') ?>

I the video related to SVG, Bastian is using asset( ) but I cannot get the path.

I tried another approach for the snippet but still does not work:

<ul class="brands">
  <?php foreach ($brands as $brand): ?>
      <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
        <path d="<?= $brand->svgPath() ?>" />
  <?php endforeach ?>

What I can do to get the path in the snippet?

A second related question is that my approach currently is to create a brand page to test this, and my idea is to reuse the snippet is the homepage of the website.
Is it correct to have the brands like I did inside content/5_brands ? Or semantically is better to have them in the asset folder?

I’m trying to use the snippet from the home page with this code:

  <?php snippet('brands', [
    'brands' => page('brands')
  ]) ?>

And the no errors so far, but svg/brand are not listed.

Thanks for any help.

You first example should work, what is rendered in the browser when you check the inspector.

If you want to actually output the svg tag, you can do

<ul class="brands">
  <?php foreach ($brands as $brand): ?>
        <?= $brand->read() ?>
  <?php endforeach ?>

Thanks @texnixe,

<?= $brand->read() ?>

is what I was missing.

I’m able now to display the list of brands in the brand page and get the path (my portfolio adapts to user settings preference for dark/light theme).

For the second question however, I tried:

  <?php snippet('brands') ?>

and get

Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Undefined variable $brands"

That according to the video is expected because the variable $brand is missing.

I’m trying with

    <?php snippet('brands', [
    'brands' => page('brands')
  ]) ?>

but the result is empty:

  <ul class="brands">

I"m sure there is an error, but cannot figure out :frowning:

Because you are passing the children instead of the images to the brands variable.

 <?php snippet('brands', [
    'brands' => page('brands')
    ->images()->filterby('extension', 'svg')
  ]) ?>
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Amazing!!! Thanks.
I realized what my mistake was.