Subpage content representation returns 404


I have the latest Kirby 3.0.3 and I can’t seem to make the JSON content representation work for a subpage template, it simply gives me the 404. My content structure is like this:


In site/templates I have templates called training.php and training.json.php

Inside of “content/04_trainings” I have a trainings.txt and in site/templates I have trainings.json.php which works. Do I need to use a different url for the training.json since it’s in a subfolder or should it work by going to

The URL for your content representation is the same as for a page with a standard template, with the difference that you append a dot followed by the extension. And since you don’t have a page that is called training but the page is called intensive, it should actually be

Ahh, got it! Thanks for the fast reply.