Structured field content not fetching

Hello, I’m trying to use structured field content but I can not get it to show up on the page. Here’s my code:

# /site/blueprints/pages/education.yml

title: Education
icon: book
    label: Education
    type: structure
          label: Year
          type: text
          label: Degree
          type: text
          label: Institution
          type: text
// /site/snippets/education.php 

<section class="education"> 
  <?php $entry = $page->education()->toStructure(); 
  foreach ($entry as $entry): ?> <div class=“entry”> 
    <span><?= $entry->year() ?></span> 
    <span><?= $entry->degree() ?></span> 
    <span><?= $entry->institution() ?></span>
   </div> <?php endforeach ?>

Content file education.txt


  year: "2019"
  degree: test
  institution: test


Thank you!

The code should work, if your snippet is actually used on the page that uses the education template. But maybe you are in a different context here.

However, you should never ever use the same variable name for the iterable expression (i.e. the array or collection you loop through) and the value, as this can lead to issues further down the line. So better change to

<?php $entries = $page->education()->toStructure(); 
foreach ($entries as $entry): ?> 

But depending on

the snippet is used on a page that uses the education template.
I changed the variable names. Thanks.
I feel like I’ve checked everything and it still does not work. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Could you please provide the full code of both the education template and the full education.php snippet?

Hello, thanks for responding!

That is the full education.php snippet.

Its being called on an about.php template

Here’s about.php:

<?php snippet('header') ?> <?php snippet('menu') ?> <?php snippet('bio') ?> <?php snippet('education') ?> <?php snippet('footer') ?>

Here’s the about.yml:

title: About

title: About

label: Parts
type: pages
status: all
info: “{{ page.intendedTemplate }}”
image: false
- bio
- education
- solo_exhibitions

That’s exactly the problem here, as already mentioned by @pixelijn, your context is the about page, not an education page, so $page refers to the current page (i.e. your about page) and not the page where your education field is stored.

Use the page helper page('education') or `page(‘about/education’) (or whatever it is called or the page uuid) to fetch the correct page.

of course! thank you :slight_smile: