Structure field to json


I’m struggling to represent a simple structure field in json, following Content Representations | Kirby CMS

Here is my default.yml :

title: Default Page
preset: page
pages: false

    label: Mandalas
    type: structure
        label: Name
        type: text
        label: Mandala layers
        type: files
        multiple: true
        layout: cards

and my incomplete default.json.php


$json = [];

$mandalas = $page->mandalas()->toStructure();

  foreach($mandalas as $mandala) {

      $json[] = [

        'mandala_name'=> (string)$mandala->mandala_name(),


      // Missing code to iterate through mandala_layers and output images URLs


echo json_encode($json);

Thanks for your help

That code should work. What exactly is the issue? Do you get an error message? Just nothing?

I wouldn’t cast to string but use value() to convert the field to a string, but that’s not the problem here.

'mandala_name'=> $mandala->mandala_name()->value(),

Thanks for your time @pixelijn.
The code above only outputs “mandela_name”. I’m asking for help to write the line of code that would iterate through and output the second field “mandala_layers” which would be a list of file urls (hence the “// Missing code to iterate through mandala_layers and output images URLs” in the code above).

Ah, ok.

foreach($mandalas as $mandala) {
      $files = $mandala->mandala_layers()->toFiles();
      $urls  = [];
      foreach($files as $file) {
         $urls[] = $file->url();
      $json[] = [

        'mandala_name'   => (string)$mandala->mandala_name(),
        'mandala_layers' => $urls,

      // Missing code to iterate through mandala_layers and output images URLs

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Thanks a lot !