For a project I need to organize projects by years, the intention it’s to layout in the frontend my project like this :
project A
project B2020
project C
project D
For the moment, I manage to sort my project by year and display the years. But I don"t really know how I can do the layout I want.
This is what I have for the moment :
project A
project B
project C
project D
Here’s my code :
<?php foreach ($pages->find('projets')->children()->pluck('year', ',', true) as $year): ?>
<datetime><?= $year ?></datetime>
<?php endforeach ?>
$articles = page('projets')->children()->listed()->sortBy(function ($page) {
return $page->number()->toNumber();
foreach($articles as $article): ?>
<!-- Looping through blocks, to get some blocks fields -->
<?php foreach ($article->cover()->toBlocks() as $block): ?>
<a class="column-<?= $block->layout() ?>" href="<?= $article->url() ?>">
<h2><?= $article->number()->toNumber() ?></h2>
<?= $block ?>
<?= $article->title() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
I was thinking by sorting byGroup. But I’m not really sure.
If you have a suggestion, I’ll be glad to look at it.