Sort items on URL parameter

It’s probably very easy but I’m struggling figuring out how to do this.
I want to apply sortBy only if the URL is /?filter=newest.

    $filterBy = get('filter');

    $items = $site
        ->when($filterBy, function($filterBy) {
            return $this->filterBy('category', $filterBy, ',');
        ->sortBy('date', 'desc')
    $pagination = $items->pagination();

Thanks in advance for helping :slight_smile:

If I got it right, you can use sortBy() in when condition.

    $filterBy = get('filter');

    $items = $site
        ->when($filterBy, function($filterBy) {
            return $this
                     ->filterBy('category', $filterBy, ',')
                     ->sortBy('date', 'desc');
    $pagination = $items->pagination();

We need a condition here in addition to what @ahmetbora posted:

    $filterBy = get('filter');

    $items = $site
        ->when($filterBy, function($filterBy) {
            $filtered = $this->filterBy('category', $filterBy, ',')
            if ( $filterBy === 'newest' ) {
              $filtered = $filtered->->sortBy('date', 'desc');
            return $filtered;
    $pagination = $items->pagination();
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