Show some pages and subpages in panel with permissions (always hide subpages?)

I need hide some pages for ‘Editor’ role. Ok, I achive this with:

'' => function() {
	if($this->target()->page()->template() === 'noticias' ||
	   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'grupos') {
		return true;

In this way, I show only the pages with template ‘noticias’ or ‘grupos’. The problem is that I can’t show the childrens/subpages of these pages:

'' => function() {
	if($this->target()->page()->template() === 'noticias' ||
	   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'noticia' || //This is the template for pages of main page 'noticias'
	   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'grupos' ||
	   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'grupo') { //This is the template for pages of main page 'grupos'
		return true;

All subpages are hidden, avoid create new subpages… (There are a lot of subpages for this pages)


Blueprint for ‘noticias’ is:

title: Noticias
	status: false
	url: false
	delete: false
	template: noticia
		mode: date
		field: fecha
		display: d/m/Y
	sort: flip
files: false

and Blueprint for ‘grupos’ is:

title: Grupos
	template: grupo
	num: zero
files: false
	template: false  
	status: false

I try diferents codes with php, and nothing. Can you help me, please?

I tested your code in a Starterkit with blog/articles and projects/project instead of your blueprint names and it works as it should. What happens if you create a new page, does this not show up, either?

Do the subpages show up for the admin user?

For the admin user all is ok. All pages and subpages are visible and editables.

I need that editor user can’t add new pages (the rest of pages don’t have subpages). The only thing that editor could be do is add/delete/edit subpages of ‘noticias’ and ‘grupos’.

I tested again. User editor can create a new page if the template is ‘noticias’ or ‘grupos’ (This new page is visible in panel… I check this later, because i need that he can’t do it. Now, all fields are readonly). If the template is different, he can’t create a new page.


Now, If user editor tries to create a new subpage in any of these pages, he can’t do it. Show the message " Error. You are not allowed to do this). Really, this new subpage has been created, but it’s hidden too.

This is my editor.php:

	return [
		'name'        => 'Editor',
		'default'     => false,
		'permissions' => [
			'*'                 => true,
			'panel.user.*'      => false,
			''   => true,
			'panel.user.update' => function() {
				return $this->user()->is($this->target()->user());
			''	=> false,
			'' => false,
			''	=> false,
			'' => function() {
				if($this->target()->page()->template() === 'noticias' ||
				   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'noticia' || //This is the template for pages of main page 'noticias'
				   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'grupos' ||
				   $this->target()->page()->template() === 'grupo') { //This is the template for pages of main page 'grupos'
					return true;

I try using only ‘’ but, nothing, the same problem.

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I’m missing something. It works well in Starterkit, but I don’t get it. :confounded:

Hi! Solved!

I forgot to add template /noticia.php and template / grupo.php

First time with Kirby, sorry !!

Thanks a lot!