A controller is always attached to a template.
I needed to have the same code in three different controllers. I felt bad about duplicating the code. It also felt strange to create a plugin and jump between the controller and the plugin.
Shared controller
In the controllers where you have duplicated code, (for example /site/controllers/home.php
) do this:
require_once kirby()->roots()->controllers() . '/shared/my-shared-controller.php';
Try it out
In /site/controllers/shared/my-shared-controller.php
echo 'Shared controller';
If it work, it will print “Shared controller” on the screen and nothing more.
Related topics
I have read about Kirby controllers. It’s nice to have functions attached to a template.
Are there any shared controllers? What I mean is a controller that are used by more than one template.
An example:
A function to be put, for example in a controller.
function widget() {
echo 'Do this in my sidebar';
…used by…
Home and blog are different template files. I could duplicate code or have it in a plugin. Should I not use controllers for shared function…
I wonder if i can have (something like) a controller for my whole site?
Use case: I got some “main” pages (template = main) and some other pages with different templates and the navigation is split between these pages so it would be nice to have this controller loaded on any page to use it for my menu snippet:
return function($site, $pages, $page) {
// find main pages
$mainPages = $pages->filterBy('template', 'main');
// find other pages
$auxPages = $pages…
Is there a way to return a variable with this method like we do in a normal page-specific controller?
Edit: I need to return search results on every page.
December 16, 2017, 6:32pm
@lukehatfield What about using a route instead?
You could also use a function that gets the search results (but you would have to return the result from the controller to the template). But at least you wouldn’t have to repeat the complete logic. Not more code in the controller than including a shared controller.
Interesting, so would something like the below work as a route in my config.php?
Edit: code updated, and works so far for me. Note I had to use (.*)
instead of (:all)
to get the parameter to save for some reason.
c::set('routes', array(
'pattern' => array('(.*)'),
'action' => function($vistedPage) {
// home page check
if($visitedPage == '/')
$visitedPage = 'home';
// if have a query, get search results here
// then...
// activate page so intendedTemplate works
// from https://forum.getkirby.com/t/default-fallback-in-route/4114/4?u=lukehatfield
return array(
'query' => $query,
'results' => $results
October 7, 2019, 9:25am
Thanks !
I know it’s an old topic but I want to point out in case someone asking : It’s still the same trick to do for Kirby 3.
Work also to return a variable.
Shared controller :
$var = "Hello World";
Controller :
return function ($site, $page) {
require_once kirby()->roots()->controllers() . '/shared/my-shared-controller.php';
return [
'var' => $var,
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