Setup limited panel for a user role

Hi, i couldn’t find any solutions on this topic:
I have 2 roles for my project admin and editor. The editor should only see and have access to a subpage that the admin has setup via custom field in the blueprints/users/editor.yml file. I already tried to debug or find the error with Ai but my setup has no impact with limiting the editor. I found this post: Extending permissions | Kirby CMS

My files:

editor.yml (site/blueprints/users/editor.yml)

title: Editor
    label: Assigned page
    type: pages
    max: 1
    readonly: true

My user.php (site/models/user.php)


class UserPage extends Kirby\Cms\User
    public function assignedPage(): ?Kirby\Cms\Page
        return $this->content()->get('assignedPage')->toPage();

My page.php (site/models/page.php)


class Page extends Kirby\Cms\Page
    public function isReadable(): bool
        $user = kirby()->user();
        if (!$user) {
            return false;
        if ($user->role()->name() === 'admin') {
            return true;
        if ($user->role()->name() === 'editor') {
            $assignedPage = $user->assignedPage();
            return $assignedPage && $assignedPage->is($this);
        return false;

    public function isWritable(): bool
        $user = kirby()->user();
        if (!$user) {
            return false;
        if ($user->role()->name() === 'admin') {
            return true;
        if ($user->role()->name() === 'editor') {
            $assignedPage = $user->assignedPage();
            return $assignedPage && $assignedPage->is($this);
        return false;

My config.php (site/config/config.php)


return [
    'debug' => false,
    'hooks' => [
        'user.update:before' => function ($user, $values) {
            if ($user->role()->name() === 'editor') {
                if (isset($values['assignedPage'])) {
                    throw new \Kirby\Exception\PermissionException('You do not have permission to change the assigned page');
    'permissions' => [
        'user.changeRole' => function ($user) {
            return kirby()->user()->isAdmin();
    'autoload' => [
        'page' => 'site/models/page.php',
        'user' => 'site/models/user.php'

It’s also important that i tried to implement that the user editor can’t change his assigned page on the …/panel/account site.

The above doesn’t make sense, there is no such thing as a Page model that extends a user and there are some other issues.

I’d recommend using this plugin: GitHub - sylvainjule/kirby-bouncer: Restrict access of a user role to a specific page (and its children) in the panel.