Set homepage as first page in a folder

Hi there, I’m effectively looking for a Kirby 3 solution to this old question — ‘Set homepage as most recent content post’.

Which was using c::set('home', page('home')->children()->last()); in the config. It seems this doesn’t work with Kirby 3.

In this case, I’d like to set the homepage as the first page in a ‘work’ folder. So no articles or dates, just whatever the first page is in the work folder.

I know I can solve this by repeating similar code as my work page into my home.php, but would prefer not to load 2 pages if possible!

Thanks again any help is greatly appreciated!! :sunny:

There is a new home option for this on Kirby 3. You can set from config.php like that:

// site/config/config.php
return [
  'home' => 'work'

To set a page dynamically, you can set the home option within the ready option:

'ready' => function() {
    return [
        'home' => page('work')->children()->listed()->sortBy('date', 'desc')->last(),

Thanks @texnixe! Really appreciate your help with this one. Ready is a very useful function.

For the record, I only needed the first work item listed so my code looks like this:

// site/config/config.php

return [
    'ready' => function ($kirby) {
        return [
                'home' => page('work')->children()->listed()->first(),