Server configuration for pushstate

Hi everybody,

I’m currently creating a single page app in a subfolder of my site. It contains a couple of accordion panels which, when toggled, change the url from i.e website.test/spa to website.test/spa/entry-one, using javascript’s history API.

Now, obviously, when the user refreshes the page, website.test/spa/entry-one is not found on the server, so I want to redirect to website.test/spa, while keeping the url intact so I can retrieve & use the uid in a function to toggle the corresponding panel.

I’ve found some semi helpful stuff online, but nevertheless wanted to ask if there might be a Kirby-specific solution for this. Should I try and redirect using htaccess (which I am utterly illiterate in), or write a php function on page load? And what would that look like?

Any hints greatly appreciated!

I think there are two ways: you can either set up a general redirect in your .htaccess (search for mod_rewrite) or you can create a catch all route in the Kirby configuration. Personally, I’d use the first option but using a route might be easier when you are familiar with Kirby but not with writing htaccess rules.

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Thank you for the reply! I ended up using the router:


return [
    'routes' => [
            'pattern' => '/spa/(:all)',
            'action'  => function (string $path) {
                return page('spa');

and getting the url on page load, then executing the needed scripts if locationUid is anything else than the root folder:

let locationUid = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop();
if (locationUid != 'spa') { 

working perfectly! Thanks again for your help!

…oh, could you maybe elaborate why using .htaccess would be your preferred method rather than using Kirby routes?

Because it is executed before PHP is started. In fact, the first option would be the server config file, second .htaccess, last a route. But server config file is only an option for your own server/VPS.


I see! For now the route is working fine, but I’ll have a look into the proper .htaccess way. Unfortunately, I’m not hosting on my own server. Thanks!