Send emails using PHPMailer

Do you only want to send the file as an attachment or do you want to upload and store it in the page content directory as well?

Currently your upload action moves the uploaded file to the content directory but there is no configuration of the email action to send this file as an attachment, too. To send the file as an attachment, change the $email->attachment != null part of the phpmailer service to something like this:

if (!isset($_FILES['file']) || $_FILES['file']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
    throw new Error('The file was not uploaded correctly!');

$mail->addAttachment($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name']);

Note that this is a rather fragile approach since the file field name is hard coded in the email service. It also assumes that the email action is performed before the upload action, otherwise the file would no longer be fund because it was already moved to the page content directory.

If you only want to send the file as an attachment and not store it in the page content directory as well, simply remove the upload action.