Running non-Kirby website on subdirectory


I am beginning to work on a project that currently has a main wordpress site, & a second wordpress install that is hosted on the subdirectory

I am rebuilding the main website with Kirby. The client would like to keep the second wordpress minisite hosted on the subdirectory

Is this possible with some kind of custom url setup? :thinking:

Thank you!

Should be possible if you let Kirby just ignore everything that starts with /uk. But it is worth the effort? I would say no. It would be better to have separate subdomains, i.e., easier to set up, easier to maintain.

in your htacess you will have to do something like this

# other htaccess code above...

# direct everything to index.php (1 the what)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

# but no stuff in uk folder
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "!^\/uk\/?[^.]+$"

# direct everything to index.php (2 the action)
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [L]

# other htaccess code below...

Yes I agree @Adspectus, that’s been my advice to the client too :wink:

Thanks a lot @bnomei, I am going to give it a shot if necessary. I think they are running on a nginx server, but I’m sure I can adapt this for the config file.