Routing old urls to new urls in migrated site

I’ve migrated a site from WP to Kirby -very dirty endeavour- and for several reasons it was not possible to keep the original urls, for example became http:/

Many of these pages are well indexed in search engines and I’d like to route/redirect old urls to new urls, and as most pages have the format you see above, it seems programatically feasible.

But, where do you reccomend I do this?

My initial ideas:

  • Using a route that covers almost all possible urls that, when receiving an incorrect url, tries to see if there may be a similar correct url match (as in the example above)
  • Doing the same in the error page with a redirect
  • Using more specific routes, such as one for each of artists/, exhibitions/, fairs/, artworks/ but doing more or less the same than above

Thank you