Restricting available modules in a sub-page

I am using the modules plugin, and so far it’s been working great.

Today however, I tried creating a module that itself included other modules.

In my default blueprint I have the following:

title: Default
pages: true
    - module.accordion
    - module.text
    - module.boxes-four

In the module blueprint I have the following:

title: Boxes Four Module
pages: true
  max: 4
    - module.rechner

In the Boxes Four module, when I go to add a subpage all the modules are available, not just the ones I’ve listed in the Boxes four template.

is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.

There’s a typo. Note that you use template in your first, and templates in your second blueprint.

Man! Thank you so much.