Request page error in panel

I’m getting an error when displaying the page move dialog and I can’t find the cause.
Can you point me in the right direction to find a solution to this problem?

Need I point out that all the pages are present in the dialog?

Is there any more specific error in your browser console? Also, does this happen if you try to move any page or only specific pages or pages with a specific template?

The server returns the response {"code":500,"error":"Call to a member function parents() on null"}
The browser console outputs index.min.js:2 pu: The request to failed at ku ( at async gu ( at async Object.get ( at async a.preselect ( error @ index.min.js:2 index.min.js:2 pu: The request to failed at ku ( at async gu ( at async Object.get ( at async a.preselect ( error @ index.min.js:2 window.onunhandledrejection @ index.min.js:2

That occurs for every page I want to move to.
I have the impression that this started to happen after replacing (rsync) the “content” folder from a production server, but there may be no connection.


What Kirby version are you using?

The last version 4.40
My dev environment is DDEV running PHP 8.2.22, Apache/2.4.61 (Debian)

Was asking because we fixed a very similar regression Fix `site/tree/parents` request for link dialogs by afbora · Pull Request #6642 · getkirby/kirby · GitHub between the 4.4.0-RC1 and final release.

Could you please open a bug report at Sign in to GitHub · GitHub so we can investigate further? Thank you

If you wish, I can install the previous version to check if the problem is already present.

Edit: I downgraded to v4.3.1 and no issue occured.

Open issue done!

This issue was fixed by the release v4.4.1

Thank you

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