Remember this - Caching in Kirby

in reply to this,

i tried both boost and lapse in previous versions and it seems there’s quite a lot of changes also in regards of additional cache drivers. i discard using it before…

After making a few changes, as

  • adding page models
  • and replacing a few page() queries with boost()

My local development site, seems to be extremely slower in comparision. I am not sure if that’s because it’s also creating like 500+ boost cache files, I have tried debug on and off, it seems when debug is on, it’s much slower.

also when replacing index()
with $allPagesWithTemplatePost = site()->searchForTemplate('post');
it’s erroring the following

    "status": "error",
    "exception": "Error",
    "code": 0,
    "message": "Cannot use object of type Kirby\\Toolkit\\Obj as array",
    "details": null,
    "file": "\/devtest\/site\/plugins\/kirby3-boost\/index.php",
    "line": 144

Lastly i would like to know, once kirby 4 is released, if this plugin also going to be compatible, or you will be likely doing an update.