Queue for Kirby

I hope so too! My testing works fine, but I haven’t completed the Webmention plugin, so I am not using it live yet :slight_smile:

I don’t really understand what you mean by ‘a plugin for cronjobs’. What you describe is more or less what this plugin does, or am I missing something?

Note that the ‘X jobs waiting’ button in the widget links to /panel/queue/work at the moment, which will try and work all the jobs from the queue. Probably not the best, but it’s triggering (all the) jobs from the panel, kind of as you described.

I was also thinking about adding an option for a web-bug, to use for people without Cron on their server. That would be an image, like <img src="/worker.php">, and then in worker.php, send a one-pixel image, drop connection, and then do the work, described here.

And then there is a style of worker I can’t use, but what is really a worker.php: a worker that you just run with $ php worker.php in your terminal, which has something like this:

// load all of Kirby once!

while (true) {
    while (queue::hasJobs()) {
// And then just keep checking for work, every 10 seconds, 
// never ending the php script.

Oh, and it might be nice to schedule jobs for the future. In my case, “when I posted a post… check back in 12 minutes and see if my mobile phone sent my location from that time to the server”. (I have an app that tracks that, and submits it every 10 minutes.) So that’s a function I might add.

Enough to improve! (But I’ll be working on Webmentions first.)