Programmatically update select field with api options in a structure field

Hi everyone,
I need to update a structure field in a Kirby command, everything works fine, except a select field pulling data from api that is stripped from the update ::

$sessions = $page->sessions()->yaml();
$data = Yaml::encode($sessions);
dump($data);  // ---> show all my fields correctly 

$updated = $page->update([
    'sessions' => $data
dump($updated->sessions->yaml()); // --> select field with api option (aka "session") is removed while "test" field is ok

My page blueprint

    label: Session(s)
    type: structure
    translate: false
    max: 6

        type: toggle
        label: Session complète
          - "Non"
          - "Oui"

        label: Session
        type: select
        options: api
          url: "{{site.url}}/options/sessions"
          query: Sessions
          text: "{{item.text}}"
          value: "{{item.value.slug}}"

        type: select
        translate: false
          design: Design
          architecture: Architecture
          photography: Photography
          3d: 3D
          web: Web

And the json returned by api


Could you post your options api for testing?

And which Kirby version are you using?

I’m using Kirby 3.8.3.
And my “json” options look like this

    "Sessions": [
            "value": "2020",
            "text": "2020"
            "value": "2021",
            "text": "2021"
            "value": "2022",
            "text": "2022"
            "value": "2023",
            "text": "2023"
            "value": "2024",
            "text": "2024"

Api request is on a custom route of current domain:

$routes = [
        'pattern' => 'options/sessions',
        'action' => function () {
            $now = intval(date("Y"));
            $start = $now - 2;
            $end = $now + 2;
            $dates = range($start, $end);
            $data['Sessions'] = [];
            foreach ($dates as $year) {
                $data['Sessions'][] = [
                    'value' =>  strval($year),
                    'text' => strval($year)
            return $data;

You are mixing the old and the new options syntax. Using the old syntax, it should be fetch instead of query, the new (3.8+) should look like this:

        label: Session
        type: select
          type: api
          url: "{{site.url}}/options/sessions"
          query: Sessions
          text: "{{item.text}}"
          value: "{{item.value.slug}}"

Thanks @texnixe , but the behavior is still the same, the session field is stripped when page updates from command.

It seems that the field is missing from $form->data()

Hm, I tested your example in a fresh Starterkit without issues.

From where are you running your update script?

I run the script from CLI using vendor/bin/kirby purge-sessions

I tested with the cli as well without issues. This is what I tested

return [
	'description' => 'Nice command',
	'args' => [],
	'command' => static function ($cli): void {

        $page = page('test');
        $sessions = $page->sessions()->yaml();
        $data = Yaml::encode($sessions);
        dump($data);  // ---> show all my fields correctly

        $updated = $page->update([
            'sessions' => $data
		$cli->success('Nice command!');

I’m facing the same issue with a fresh plainkit install.

Edit: i found this is tied to site.url since i’ using a docker container.

The problem is solved by using localhost instead of {{site.url}}:

                type: select
                  type: api
                  url: "http://localhost/options/sessions"
                  query: Sessions
                  text: "{{item.text}}"
                  value: "{{item.value.slug}}"

Edit 2: Found that i can bypass autodetection by setting $config[‘url’] = ‘http://locahost