Problem mit Uniform (envelope-from)

I have a problem with Kirby Uniform (3.4.0) for Kirby 2:

The form is working in general. I have two actions - email and log.

Logging and sending emails works fine, BUT:
Even though I set ‘from’ to an email adress with the same domain the form is sending from, the mail contains an ‘envelope-from’ with the email adress entered from the user in the form…?

This causes every SPF-check to fail and marking the mails as spam. Is this somehow intended and/or is that something set by uniform?



Seems to be fixed when the email field in the template is renamed to something else.
Then the “from” field in the controller is used as envelope-from.

When I define a replyTo field with the user entered email adress, it’s in the envelope-from again… I’m confused.