I want to implement a Dialog in the panel, where a user has to update their password. I can get the dialog in the panel running via js like this:
panel.plugin("my/plugin", {
created(Vue) {
let dialog = {
component: 'k-form-dialog',
props: [
'submit-button': 'Aktualisieren',
'cancel-button': false,
fields: {
password: {
type: 'password',
label: 'Password'
password_repeat: {
type: 'password',
label: 'Password wiederholen'
Problem is, you can close the Dialog just by clicking outside of it. I have the same issue on other custom dialogs, implemented in the same way, where I do not want the dialog to just close when clicking outside and lose all data in the process.
Is it possible to add a prop or sth to the dialog in order to make it static, until the form is submitted or one manually click the cancel/close button?