Prevent fig caption from taking up space

Hi, I’m a bit puzzled. I would like all the images on this page template to stick together, but even if there is no captions on specific images, there is still a <figcaption> in the HTML. I tried adding
display: none
but it won’t work, as I’m using a figcation on the last image of the page.

Hi, which page template are you talking about ?

If you don’t want to use figure but plain imgs, you can disable this feature with the kirbytext.image.figure option.

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@Thiousi Indeed, the actual page would sure help! Here it is!

@lukasbestle Actually I quite like the figure option, and I’m actually using them quite a lot. It’s just the figure caption that are bothering me. It is great that it exist when there is a .txt caption file associated with the image, but I don’t understand why the HTML exist when there is none… :confused:

What I’m hopping to do is remove all the white space between the images, as seen here.

How do you add the images, via Kirbytag? If so, you could adapt the Kirbytag to only render the figcaption, if there is a caption.

Two options I think:

  1. Don’t display a figcaption if it’s empty
  2. Don’t use the last figcaption

Going towards 2: can I ask why you’re using the last figcaption to provide contest for what seems like all the images above?

By the way: I like your website a lot :slight_smile:


With caption, as seen here.

That’s not what I meant. How are the images added to the page? Via Kirbytext?

[quote=“Thiousi, post:6, topic:4739”]

  1. Don’t display a figcaption if it’s empty[/quote]
    How would I prevent the display of empty captioned?

[quote=“Thiousi, post:6, topic:4739”]
2. Don’t use the last figcaption[/quote]
I like using the last fig caption, as it is the place where I credit the photographers for the projects.

Thanks (a lot :slight_smile:)

That depends on how you add the images to your page.

Yes, via Kirbytext. Here are the exact text in the .txt.

Title: Foire Papier16
Caption: Photograph of the posters by (link: text:Wedge popup:yes)
Photographs of the Patrick Mikhail Gallery sign by (link: text:Caroline Dostie popup:yes)
Additional photographs by (link: text:Jean-Michael Seminaro popup:yes)

I’m sorry, I’m not asking about the captions but the images themselves …

And we just found a winner! It indeed comes from my code. Here is what lives inside the <figure> tag:

<img src="<?php echo $image->url() ?>" alt="<?php echo $image->alt() ?>" class="scale-with-grid">
<?php if($image->caption()): ?>
  <figcaption class="caption"><?php echo kirbytext($image->caption()) ?></figcaption>
<?php endif ?>

But how come it displays the caption even with the php if?

Try this:

<img src="<?php echo $image->url() ?>" alt="<?php echo $image->alt() ?>" class="scale-with-grid">
<?php if($image->caption()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
  <figcaption class="caption"><?php echo kirbytext($image->caption()) ?></figcaption>
<?php endif ?>

Something seams to happen, but not what I expected, no images load after the poster image. :smiley:
Here is the result.

Looks like a php error. Have you turned on debugging? What do the error logs say?

Maybe we need something like:

<?php if($image->caption()->bool() && $image->caption()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
  <figcaption class="caption"><?php echo kirbytext($image->caption()) ?></figcaption>
<?php endif ?>

Oups, my bad!

Actually, the first $image->caption()->isNotEmpty worked! I just commented badly the existing code!
So you had it on the first try with

<img src="<?php echo $image->url() ?>" alt="<?php echo $image->alt() ?>" class="scale-with-grid">
<?php if($image->caption()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
  <figcaption class="caption"><?php echo kirbytext($image->caption()) ?></figcaption>
<?php endif ?>

Look at that beauty! :smiley:

Thanks a lot @texnixe & @Thiousi & @lukasbestle for the help!