Prev next in a loop?

I use this in my template:

echo $page->prev()->url();
echo $page->next()->url();

When I come to the end it gives a fatal error because there are no more pages. Is there a clever way to always have a next page? If no next page are found it should start over from the first one, a little bit like a repeating image slider.

I solved it. It was not that hard. Just needed to write down the question here to activate my brain cells.

if ( $page->hasPrev() ) {
    $prev = $page->prev()->url();
} else {
    $prev = $page->parents()->children()->last()->url();
if ( $page->hasNext() ) {
    $next = $page->next()->url();
} else {
    $next = $page->parents()->children()->first()->url();
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Instead of $page->parent()->children() you can also use $page->siblings(), which is easier to understand.

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Agree! I developed it a little bit more here:

While I don’t know if this solution covers loops as well, I would like to add this plugin by @AudioBear as it may be interesting for other community members looking to loop through different levels of pages.

I was looking to solve this in Kirby 3… and of course that’s how it should be done. Thanks! :smiley:

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