PLUGIN DEV - getting access to all fields of a page of pages in vue.js


I have a block-factory and added a block for related pages. How can I access the fields of a page in the index.js of the block-factory?

A project page has a field, named cover, which is of ´type files´ and ´multiple: false´ which I want to access for each related page. But I only have access to a generic (first) image of a related page.

here is some more code:

block-factory raleted-pages .yml

name: Related-Pages

    type: pages
    max: 3


    'related-pages': {
      template: `
        <div style="" @dblclick="open">
          <div>RELATED PAGES BLOCK</div>
          <div v-if="content.related && content.related.length > 0">
              <div :style="{backgroundImage: 'url(' + content.related[0].image.url + ')'}"></div>
          <div v-else style="color: #888; font-size: .8rem;">No related pages yet…</div>

You need to fetch this information via the API, if necessary, via a custom API endpoint, see the card type block type for an example: More block examples | Kirby CMS, for an image saved within a field, you probably need an extra API call.