Place info text in the sidebar

So you can add a little “note to the editor” in the panel by using an info field type. Anyone know if it is possible to add a note in the sidebar? Right above the Files section for example?

I don’t think so, at least not without modifying the core files.

Hmmm… to bad. I guess I’ll just put it at the bottom.


You can add a line

    help: This is the helptext visible to the editor in the panel.

to every panel field you want, to show a help for this field to the editor, who is using the panel.

Start that line with four spaces (4 x " ")!

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@HeinerEF: that does not help when you want to put help text in the sidebar, which is what @Jayshua was asking.

Yes I know, but it is another way to show a help. I use this very often.

The editor finds this help direct under the input field, which I think is very clear. But that has to decide each UI designer himself …

e.g. this shows like:

Hint: click on the previous image twice to let it grow!

Look for the lines with the grey colored text under each input field.

My related blueprint file of this hardcopy is:

<?php if(!defined('KIRBY')) exit ?>

# site blueprint

title: Website-Einstellungen
    - default
    - reports
    - blog
    - events
files: true
    label: Name der Website
    type:  text
    help:  Bitte den &quot;Namen&quot; der Website (u.a. im Kopf jeder Seite) eingeben.
    label: Slogan der Website
    type:  text
    help:  Bitte den &quot;Slogan&quot; der Website (zweite Zeile im Kopf jeder Seite) eingeben.
    label: &quot;Author&quot; der Website
    type:  text
    required: true
    help:  Bitte den &quot;Autor&quot; der Website f&uuml;r den unsichtbaren &lt;HEAD&gt;-Bereich aller Seiten eingeben.
    label: &quot;Description&quot; der Website
    type:  textarea
    required: true
    help:  Bitte die &quot;Beschreibung&quot; der Website f&uuml;r den unsichtbaren &lt;HEAD&gt;-Bereich aller Seiten eingeben.
    label: &quot;Keywords&quot; der Website
    type:  tags
    required: true
    help:  Bitte die &quot;Keywords&quot; (mit Komma getrennte Stichworte) der Website f&uuml;r den unsichtbaren &lt;HEAD&gt;-Bereich aller Seiten eingeben.
    label: Fu&szlig;zeile
    type:  textarea
    required: true
    help:  Bitte die &quot;Fu&szlig;zeile&quot; f&uuml;r alle Seiten eingeben mit Links zu Impressum, Datenschutzerkl&auml;rung etc.

If you save this blueprint file in “utf8 with bom” format, you can avoid the use of &uuml; for the German “Umlaute” like “ü”.

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I didn’t know about that one, thanks @anon77445132.

@bastianallgeier and @distantnative:

Please add the description of the “help:” line in the docs of the panel.
I think it is missing there.


Any additional info / ideas for documentation?

Or better example - sorry, my creativity is MIA right now :laughing:

Thank you very much.

Please add a hint, that forbidden signs can be replaced e.g. by &quot;, &lt;, &gt; and so on.

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