PayPal IPN Testing

I’m trying to set up a small shop to sell some hand made products. I started with Cartkit because I liked the simplicity of it and it’s been a great way to learn starting from something super light weight. The last major hurdle I want to overcome is handling Paypal’s Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). I tested using the simulator in their developer site and the handshake and and data is passed as expected, but so far I’m not able to test with my sandbox transactions instead of their dummy transactions for some reason.

I’m hoping there is someone with real Paypal experience that might have clue as to what I might be missing. Any help is appreciated!

Well I figured out what I was missing. So for anyone else who comes across this thread, perhaps this will be helpful.

  1. I didn’t realize I was using my live seller paypal email instead of the sandbox seller paypal email.
  2. I needed to log into and find “Instant Payment Notification (IPN)” and enable it.

Once I corrected those two issues I was able to receive notifications in the sandbox environment. Personally I find PayPal’s whole system confusing and their documentation less than clear. But at least I can now move forward. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for letting us know how you solved it :slight_smile:

@texnixe My pleasure! This forum is such a huge help to me.

Btw, I really appreciate you and everyone who participates in helping one another. Such a great community. Also, I really appreciate the cookbook section of the docs. Great job to everyone involved in making that resource. :smiley:

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