Panel files field default icon

I am an absolute beginner using Kirby, and have of course a ton of questions which might very well be trivial. One of them is the following and I apologise if this is irrelevant.

When using a “files” field within the panel, as long as it is empty, its default icon preceding the placeholder is always the “image” one. Since the field properties do not list “icon” among them (contrary to the “info” field for instance), I wondered wether I could replace this icon depending on the use-case (like restricting the upload to specific mime types such as videos or pdf’s). The “empty” property seems to allow only the text replacement.

The situation here is that I would like to build a specific “blocks” blueprints for video upload based on this provided exemple. Now the general “blocks” field displays a proper “video” icon using the “icon: video” declaration, but then as soon as the side panel appears, the “files” field for the video itself and its poster alike share the same icon, as long as the fields remain empty.

This is probably not a big deal in itself but the lack of consistancy bothers me a bit: this could lead to potential errors when uploading, if the user relies on the icon without reading the full text.

The image icon is unfortunately hardcoded in FilesField.vue emptyProps. So this cannot be changed via some setting. Guess it could be overwritten in a custom files field that extends the files field.

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Thanks a lot for your answer! I will give it a thought at some point. I have still a lot of other basics to learn for now.