Panel fieldsToggle

Hello Kirby support team,

Show or Hide text fields based on a toggle type field within a blueprint.

    label: Activate text block
    type: toggle
      - "false"
      - "true"

For example:

If the user chooses the YES option, display the following text fields that are within the same blueprint.

    label: Date
    type: text
    icon: calendar
    width: 1/2

    label: Client
    type: text
    icon: user
    width: 1/2

    label: Location
    type: text
    icon: map
    width: 1/2

    label: Colaboration
    type: text
    icon: users
    width: 1/2

I found the following plugin that performs my client’s request, but it is for Kirby version 2. Therefore, it is not useful to me because I am using Kirby version 3.

:link: GitHub - medienbaecker/kirby-fieldtoggle

I await your answer and help.

Thank you!

What you are looking for are conditional fields:

Hi pixelijn,

Thank you very much for your answer and help.

I will review the documentation that you share with me to evaluate the solution.

Anything or doubt I see you.


Hi pixelijn,

Thank you very much for the help you have solved my request.

Regards :v:!