Hi Sonja!
In my config.php
, to activate cache for all pages, I currently have this:
'cache' => [
'pages' => [
'active' => true
Cache is working fine (at this step). In the header response I have:
- For visitors:
Cache-Control: max-age=0
- For logged in users:
Cache-Control: no-store, private
But in any template or snippet, if I want to make some content visible for logged in users only, once I use let’s says this:
<?php if ( $kirby->user() ):
"Hello dear member"
<?php endif ?>
… the header response for visitors become Cache-Control: no-store, private
I tried many things to make cache work, like I explained previously, even some hacks like the one shared here by @sebastiangreger. The issue has even been reproduced today by @sylvainjule using the latest Starterkit (3.7.5), as described in this Github post…
So I’m not the only one struggling with cache when pages contain user checks to display protected content 
HOWEVER, I just noticed that in the .htaccess
file (the one inlcuded in the Starterkit and Plainkit), if I remove the following line, caching seems to work as expected for visitors:
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
I said “seems to work” because I don’t know if it’s not breaking or going to break something in the way Kirby uses authorization… Maybe @lukasbestle, @bnomei or even @bastianallgeier could share their input? (Sorry guys for pinging, hope you won’t by angry
Again, thanks all for your time and effort helping solve this issue