April 11, 2020, 3:29pm
This is a modest suggestion. Sometimes itâs not clear we can click/or not to the header of a pages
field. Iâm mixing pages
type with pagesdisplay
inside my site.yml file, sometimes the header is clickable, sometimes not.
I would suggest to set a simple icon after the link, for example, the parent icon could suit.
You could set an icon after the headline yourself?
The headline only becomes a link if the headline links to the parent page of the listed childrenâŚ
April 11, 2020, 4:14pm
Yes I did it by adding this css to a custom panel css file :
.k-headline .k-link:after{content:'';width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;margin-left:7px;background-image: url();}
Just tought it could be implemented by default. But maybe itâs just me
If youâd like to see this, youâd better add it to the ideasâ repo. Here it will probably get lost.
BTW. If you donât need a special icon, you can simply use an emoji in the blueprint after the headline
headline: Photography âŞď¸
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April 11, 2020, 4:27pm
Haha this is even smarter ! Didnât think about that !
âľ is not interpreted as emoji, that will be my last word
Thank you Sonja !