Pages and Languages


I have a site with two active languages, and more will eventually follow.
Most of the pages are translanted in both languages (german and english). Some of the pages (children) are only available in one of the languages. My first thought was to implement checkboxes in the panel to define if the page is available in german, english or both languages. it hink this will work but won’t be very elegant.

Is there a way to disable the autotranslate feature and only create the page in the certain language if necessary.

For better understanding:

About (Both)
Projects (Both)
-- ProjectA (German)
-- ProjectB (Both)
-- ProjectC (English)

So if I’m on the German Projects-Page i only want ProjectA and ProjectB to be displayed.

Do you mean in the Panel or in the frontend? Anyway, maybe this cookbook recipe helps:

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Did this solve your problem?

ooop. now i feel like a douchebag – of course it did. you are the best.


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Don’t worry, it’s just that I love these little “solved” labels so much :innocent:

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