Hello, I would like to display on my website a box of the unread articles within a certain period of time.
So far I have done this with “modified”:
$timestamp = time();
$lastTime = $_COOKIE["lastTime"];
$unread = page('news')->children()->visible()->filterBy('modified', '>', $lastTime);
echo $lastTime;
echo "<br>";
echo $unread;
setcookie("lastTime", $timestamp, time() + (86400 * 30), "/");
But I do not want to see a field appear every time an article is changed.
Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance!
Hm, I’d love to help but I don’t understand your use case, I’m afraid. How are unread articles defined?
A page is modified when it is changed in the Panel or it’s timestamp is changed.
If you want the date the page was created, then you could give your page a (hidden) date time field that defaults to now, for example.
Sorry I mean of course only the new articles since the last visit.
And not the unread, that would be something completely different …
I only want to display the articles that have been published in the meantime of the last visit.
I am sorry, my mistake…
I have already edited my post above. If those page are articles, they probably have a date field anyway, don’t they?
A panel.page.create
hook that saves a creation date to file would be an alternative.
I had thought of that before, but I would like to publish the date and time as one timestamp because several articles are published per day. Is that possible?
Sorry I’m new to Kirby …
The datetime field should save date and time in one field …
Okay, thanks a lot for the quick and good help!
You are welcome! Always here to try and make you happy