Numbering Kirby Modules and Kirby Builder structure field


(I should give back more to this forum)

TL;DR: How can you get the element number of a field part of a structured field?

$section->num() does not obv work since it’s not a page.

I am building a multi-nested survey and want to build it and manage it from the panel. I am using Kirby Modules (w/ Kirby Sortable) together w/ Kirby Builder. And, I am nesting a modules inside another modules, though I read it’s not meant to work like that.

I’d like to number each module and section (which is part of a structure field from Kirby Builder), by combining the module number with the section number, eg:

1. Question A
   1.1 Question B
   1.2 Question C

I am using this for creating unique ids and names for the input tag, not for numbering a list item.

I can do the module numbering easily, since it is a subpage, by echoing

<?php echo $module->num() ?>

But when I try to call again the above code in the snippet (section) field, I get an error of unknown variable.

Is there a way to traverse and going back from $data() (the $section object) to $module? I tried to use $parent() without success.

Using $section->num() (actually $data->num()) does not output anything, which I understand, since it’s not a page (unlike $module).

I can use $section->count() to get the number of objects in the collection, but how can I get the correct number for each element? I tried to use ->current() (not knowing what it does), and it outputs NO.

Furthermore: I am up to simplify this whole structure, by not nesting a $module inside a $module, and simply creating a fieldset for Kirby Builder called fieldname_child and then in its snippet syntax, building the correct numbering if that’s easier.

Try indexOf($needle):

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That’s great, but in my case I am using the data snippet function, and cannot provide a $collection object.

If I do this anyway, $section is unknown.

<?php echo $section->indexOf($data) ?>

Also if I do

<?php echo $data->indexOf($data) ?>

What am I missing?

Note that if you use IDs starting with a number in your HTML, you have to escape them in your stylesheets:

#11 {
 /* won't work */

#\11 {
/* will work */

[id='11'] {
 /* will work */

Thanks for that tip, the prefix I use for the numbering is like:

  • q_ for questions
  • a_ for answer options
  • m_ for inline messages (jump to question X if you replied Yes to this question)

Yes, indexOf() only works with a collection.

Could you post a bit more context, not just that single code line?


So my modules in the template page

   <?php echo $page->modules(); ?>

I have this to output all the sections building a module

  <fieldset class="bd--a_red pd--v_1" id="<?php echo $module->num() ?>">
    <?php echo $module->num() ?>
    <?php foreach($module->builder()->toStructure() as $section): ?>
      <?php snippet('sections/' . $section->_fieldset(), array('data' => $section)) ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

This is an example of a snippet building a section (with a try out to get the parent num()).

<input type="text" id="<?php echo $data->parent()->count() ?>" 
name="q_<?php echo $data->count() ?>_" placeholder="" 
value="<?= isset($fill['firstname']) ? $fill['firstname'] : '' ?>" 
<?php e($data->required() != 'no', 'required') ?> 
class="<?php echo $data->_fieldset() ?>" />

I was thinking, what I keep count of each module as it is rendered in the page by saving its position in a variable. Is that possible? Sort of like making an index in js.

Also, I had to change this part and replace the original $data with another name variable ($fill).

value="<?= isset($fill['firstname']) ? $fill['firstname'] : '' ?>" 

I had to do this because of Kirby Builder’s usage of the $data variable.
I still have to test this change, but is it going to be a problem?

Well, $module->builder()->toStructure() should give you a collection:

<?php $collection = $module->builder()->toStructure(); ?>
  <fieldset class="bd--a_red pd--v_1" id="<?php echo $module->num() ?>">
    <?php echo $module->num() ?>
    <?php foreach($collection as $section): ?>
      <?php snippet('sections/' . $section->_fieldset(), array('data' => $section, 'collection' => $collection)) ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

So you should be able to get the number of the section here (not tested):

<input type="text" id="<?php echo $collection->indexOf($data) ?>" 
name="q_<?php echo $collection->indexOf($data)?>_" placeholder="" 
value="<?= isset($fill['firstname']) ? $fill['firstname'] : '' ?>" 
<?php e($data->required() != 'no', 'required') ?> 
class="<?php echo $data->_fieldset() ?>" />

Unfortunately it still throws at me

Undefined variable: collection

I was thinking of using a hook that would save a new field entry for every fieldset that Kirby Builder creates and moves around in terms of order of position, but I think I might be back to square one.

Still, I am going to browse Kirby Builder’s source code to see if there’s something I can use.

Have you passed the variable to the snippet?

Yay, indeed by adding collection' => $collection it works

<?php snippet('sections/' . $section->_fieldset(), array('data' => $section, 'collection' => $collection)) ?>

Now looking up how to make start the index at 1.

Ha, you did not copy my code snippet :worried: Just add +1 to the index :wink: (and some more chars)

I’ve been fooled by the code-block clipping out part of the code, I now see you added the second variable to the snippet!

Thanks for the tip for customising the index, works perfectly. And thanks.


I’m also trying to start my index at 1 not 0 and I can’t for the life of me figure it out.

<div class="wrap">
<div class="footnote_wrap">
    <h4 class="footnote_header">Illuminations & References</h4>
    <?php foreach ($page->footnotes()->toStructure() as $footnote): ?>
    <span class="footnote_number"><?= $footnote->indexOf(1, $footnote) ?><p class="footnote"><?= $footnote->footnote() ?></p></span>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<div class="wrap">
<div class="footnote_wrap">
    <h4 class="footnote_header">Illuminations & References</h4>
    <?php $footnotes = $page->footnotes()->toStructure(); ?>
    <?php foreach ($footnotes as $footnote): ?>
    <span class="footnote_number"><?= $footnotes->indexOf($footnote)+1 ?><p class="footnote"><?= $footnote->footnote() ?></p></span>
    <?php endforeach ?>

indexOf() has to be called on the collection of structure items, not on a single item. So the single items is passed as a parameter, because that’s the one of which you want to get the position in the collection.

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Brilliant. Thank you.