No headers for .mp4 videos in Safari on localhost

Hi, .mp4 videos in <video> tags aren’t loading in Safari through my local PHP server. They do load when requested through the filesystem.

When I open the Network tab it shows that the media didn’t send any Request or Response headers.

Is Kirby supposed to set these headers when it serves video files? Or is this something I have to setup with my local server? I’ve already added AddType rules in my .htaccess.

<?php $file = $page->file($page->videoThumb()); ?>
<video controls="true" src="<?=$file->url()?>" type="<?=$file->mime()?>"></video>
Toolkit version: 2.5.6
Kirby version: 2.5.6
Panel version: 2.5.6
Safari Version 11.0 (12604.

Thanks for any help!

I did a quick test and found that I can reproduce this with my Mac’s built-in web server. Works fine with Mamp.

Thanks @texnixe, I’ve been using gulp-connect-php to run the server but perhaps MAMP is necessary to better emulate an Apache server. I’ll give it a try.