Newbie question: How to configure the Meta Tags Plugin by pedroborges

There was an error sending the form: SMTP connect() failed.

the credentials are correct. How do I check $kirby->email() (sorry - newbie …)

That troubleshooting document gives a few hints what to look into… Does any of this apply?

After all, Kirby’s email class is just a wrapper around PHPMailer…

What is your OS? You can log smtp service like this on Mac OS, probably also Linux in Terminal:

log stream --predicate  '(process == "smtpd") || (process == "smtp")' --info

MacOS here

Then you might want to try this while sending mail, maybe you get some more insights.

no message in Terminal while doing this … just now, I tend to give up my beautiful contact form

Well, I guess it only logs stuff that actually connects to the service, if your error actually happens before that, you are out of luck.

Another option would be to send mail through a service like Sendgrid or all the thousand other service providers out there.

Or delete the contact form because nobody fills out contact forms anyway… :wink:

However, where was your configuration before you changed the config? I can’t see any email setup in your first config, the one with the multiple return statements?

I second that. Was only a little extra. Works perfect without this form, of course. Thank you very much.

Its true. I had a contact form on my site for about 10 years. Not one single legitamate message from a human in all that time. I took it off.

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