New Writer Field Node: checkedList

Hello folks. I am trying to make a new Node in the writer field following this Guide. It should be a bulletList but with the class .checked, so it should behave like a normal “bulletList” Node.

I am not familiar with all that .js stuff, but I got something that works out and adds a
<ul class="checked"></ul>, unless I add “bulletList”. The bulletList Node seems to overwrite everything I do and i end up with a normal ul-Tag without Classes in the writer.

Here is my Code inside my-plugin/index.js

window.panel.plugin('my/plugin', {
  writerNodes: {
    checkedList: {
      get button() {
        return {
          icon: "check",
          label: "Check-Liste",
          when: ["listItem", "checkedList", "bulletList", "orderedList", "paragraph"]

      commands({type, schema, utils}) {
        return () => utils.toggleList(type, schema.nodes.listItem);

      inputRules({type, utils}) {
        return [utils.wrappingInputRule(/^\s*([-+*])\s$/, type)];

      keys({type, schema, utils}) {
        return {
          "Shift-Ctrl-8": utils.toggleList(type, schema.nodes.listItem)

      get name() {
        return "checkedList";

      get schema() {
        return {
          content: "listItem+",
          group: "block",
          attrs: {
            class: 'test'
          parseDOM: [{tag: "ul"}],
          toDOM: () => ['ul', {class: 'checked'}, 0]

So can anyone tell me what I missed? Or does anyone have a better idea of adding a “checked list” button additional to bulletList and orderedList?

Thanks for your help! <3

Hello again, I just saw that some important information were missing due to not using preformatted Text. Maybe there might be someone who has a tip or a solution now?